Main Entry: ka·put
Variant(s): also ka·putt
Function: adjective
Etymology: German kaputt, from French capot not having made a trick at piquet
Date: 1895
1 : utterly finished, defeated, or destroyed
2 : unable to function
3 : hopelessly outmoded
That pretty much sums up last weekend!
Saturday was a beautiful day for a ride; Sunny and warm, light breeze.
I decided that I should go for a ride on Sunday………The weather went Kaput on Sunday! High winds out of the southwest, cold and rain. Charlie went with me, we decided to ride north.
About sixty miles into our ride up in the mountains of Northeastern Washington, in the pouring rain and cold, Charlie pulled in his clutch as he was approaching a stop sign, in the middle of nowhere mind you, and his bike went Kaput! Charlie made a phone call (at least he had phone service up there) and was able to get in touch with a good friend who had a trailer to give Charlie and his bike a ride home.
Once the bike was loaded on the trailer, I jumped on my bike and rode south into a miserable headwind, fighting the rain and cold. At least I had my heated gear to keep me comfortable. That is until my heated vest……………went Kaput! The variable heat controller gave up the ghost about 90 miles from home.
I arrived home sometime later that evening, gave the dog a hug and then slumped down onto the couch; I was utterly finished, unable to function, yep! I was Kaput!
I contacted the maker of my vest on Monday and they are replacing the malfunctioning part of my vest, no questions asked. Good deal.
Charlie’s bike is in little pieces right now on the floor of his garage; it has been decided that a rebuild is in order. We don’t know exactly what happened to the engine just yet but the rebuild kit is on the way; his KLR650 is going to come back to him as a KLR685.
Charlie was planning on doing this sometime in the future, just not exactly under these circumstances.
As I sit here typing this, I am trying to think of an appropriate antonym for the word Kaput. Once I figure that out, I am going to concentrate really hard on making that word a reality.
Happy Easter and Ride Well
Inspiration Versus Desperation
1 day ago
Hows about:
all washed up, belly-up, burned out, cooked, dead, destroyed, done for, down and out, down for the count, down the drain, down the tubes, finished, floored, had it, nonfunctioning, on the skids, out of business, out of circulation, sunk, totaled, washed up, wiped out.
ive had a few days go kaput recently myself :) but heres to the upcoming riding season and many days where kaput is not included anywhere in our vocabulary, lol.
685 kit in and running well. By the way you have your computer back so no excuses on not finishing "A journey of 1000 miles"
Very Nice Blog !
I Like This Very Much.
Methods of Modern Farming
Duck keeping
I usually use that word, but didn't know its origin. Now I know....
I would never want to have any thing go kaput on me given all the adjectives affiliated with it :-)
I went kaput on my helmet... decided to get another one and "pimp" it up. So i settled on installing coms in it. got some pretty cool one from Uclear, they cancel out noise from the surrounding. i could actually have a smooth conversation without the person on the other end realizing i'm hitting the road on my two wheels? Anyone tried them before?
You are lucky your mechanic did not know what you were doing with the bike when the vest went 'kaput'. Otherwise, i like it that you love to explore new things. I think if my bike and yours met, they would really have a lot of similar stories!
Kaput...... THE END!! :-(
Wow man, interesting post. Crazy story. And like other people have said, thats a good choice of words haha, kaput.
Hey i nice your blogs
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